

Papers are solicited on topics related to new theories, advanced design of robot mechanics and control architectures, and development of intelligent robotic applications, including but not limited to:

• Novel design and applications of robotic systems
• Dexterous grasping, handling and intelligent manipulation
• Intelligent cooperating and service robots
• Advanced robot control
• Human-robot interfaces
• Robot vision systems and visual servoing techniques
• Mobile robots
• Humanoid and walking robots
• Bio-inspired and swarm robotic systems
• Towards micro and nano-scale robots
• Aerial, underwater and spatial robots
• Robot integration in holonic manufacturing
• Personal robots for ambient assisted living
• Medical robots and bionic prostheses
• Intelligent information technologies for cognitive robots
• Education in robotics
• History of automation and robotics
• Cognitive robots and Emotional Intelligence
• Cloud robotics
• Ethical, legal and social issues of robotic.

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